Want to come along? Great! Art isn’t always easy, and these walks are no exception. Here are some tips to make sure no one suffers.

These walks are long, with a blend of roads, sidewalks, and trails. Most of them go up and over significant hills. Not recommended for wheelchairs, but please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions: herenowtogether at gmail dot com.

Please eat a full meal before you come along, maybe two! Walking long distances uses a lot of energy, and my test walks have been a lot happier when I’ve had breakfast and perhaps even lunch that day before departing. I will bring some snacks, but you should also bring some snacks you know you like.

Bring a bottle! There will be multiple points to fill up along the way.

This is San Francisco, and traversing multiple microclimates means we will go from hot to cold to hot to cold. I recommend sunblock, a hat, and a warm layer.

Cell Phones:
Bring ‘em along, BUT I will probably ask you to turn them off or put them away. This is an exercise in alternative documentation: you will see many remarkable things, but you cannot take pictures of them.

All durations are approximate. The journey is the destination, and how long each takes depends on the group! If you’d like to stay for the entire walk, I’d recommend not making any plans for the rest of the day until at least the evening. Each walk ends at a different dining establishment that serves food and drinks.

Email herenowtogether at gmail dot com.

What This Is About:
Come along to find out.